Charlie Kennedy
I have been working with my spirit guides and helpers for over fifty years. As small child I was fortunate to have an adult who realised that I could clearly see, hear and feel the spiritual world and who could assist me in the first steps of coming to terms with these gifts. From that time I have been working with my teacher in the spiritual realms whom I call Two Moons, and with the team of spirit healers and helpers who work with him.
Through Two Moons’s training I have developed high vibrational fully conscious clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. I see, hear and feel the presence of the spiritual realms and can work with them.
Together over the last 50 years we have directly helped over 20,000 people in whatever was the karmically correct way for them, whether in respect of their health, their life situation, the buildings they live or work in or anything else.
As a team we have the reputation of being able to deal with situations that other spiritual practitioners may be unable to deal with and so far nothing has come our way that we have been unable to deal with.
I have facilitated countless courses and workshops, given trance astrology readings at the College of Psychic Studies, as well as clearing energies from buildings, organisations and people worldwide.
Until 2016, I ran a 30 year established practice as a management consultant and holistic accountant, specialising in turning around failing businesses and helping make successful businesses even more successful. Understanding the spiritual working of an organisation is a major key to its success.
Two Moons
![river running into ravine](
Two Moons isn’t his name. Spiritual Beings don’t have a name like we do, they are a vibration. It is us humans/physicals who feel the need to give them names to help us identify them. Two Moons works through Charlie to help people whom he refers to as “physicals”. Two Moons is an apt name, as we have found that it takes two moon cycles for physicals to notice the effects of any work he does.
He and Charlie are in constant communication. His aim is to help physicals who are blocked, be that within their physical body, their astral body or their etheric body.
Two Moons specialises in clearing all sorts of attachments or blockages, be they in physicals, homes, work places (offices, warehouses, organisations etc.) land, waterways, transport networks, ships etc.
Two Moons does what is best for all. This is not necessarily what people think they want. Physicals often restrict themselves and some are overly focused on money.
Two Moons teaches correct spiritual development and the understanding of the spiritual realms through Charlie.
Although this work is serious, Two Moons has a great sense of humour :-)!
Testimonial: Healing client
I started having daily psychic and paranormal experiences when I was around 12 years old, though I have memories of them starting when I was much younger but not so often. I did not tell anyone for a very, very long time as I did not want to be judged as a liar, attention seeker or nutter and as these experiences were new to me, and at such a young age I did not know who to tell. From this young age I spent many years doing research for answers as to what was going on and why.
I am now in my late 50s and at times feel as though I am living in what feels like the world of Harry Potter, damn the things I have seen, heard and witnessed, incredible and scary. When I reached adulthood I contacted psychics, some of whom came to my home, I got some answers but there were too many gaps to be filled in and psychic associations.
In 2019 what I was experiencing started to spiral out of control and I desperately needed help, I had a life changing experience, finally getting answers to so many questions while searching on the internet I came across a beautiful guardian angel called Charlie Kennedy, her team and guides.
The help I have received with sittings, visits to my home and on me physically have been priceless. I can call this wonderful lady when I have a question, need advice or reassurance, meeting Charlie and her team have saved my sanity and maybe my life.
Though still difficult and I have to be on my guard all the time from the negative influences that have been around for a long time, with answers and support from Charlie I able to cope better.
Blessings to Charlie Kennedy and her team: Melissa, Two Moons, The Master, Felix and anyone else I have not mentioned.